
Re: strange behaviour of opensso on glassfish V3 Prelude (b28c)

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2008 08:30:13 +0800

Hi Wim,

Thank you so much for testing opensso integration with GlassFish. Let's
wait for Monday and
see if a bug should be filed on which component.

Have a good weekend :-)

Wim Verreycken wrote:
> Ola, addendum.
> The installtion of opensso also causes problems shutting down gf server. To
> this moment, it is still running (although netbeans shows it as off). So
> server.log attached is not complete.
> Here's the rest of it (up to this point, I'm gonna kill it now, since it
> didn't do anything anymore for the last 20 minutes or so).
> Wim
> PS. After removing opensso from the server, it shuts down fine.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wim Verreycken [mailto:wim_at_pizzastop.be]
> Sent: zaterdag 22 november 2008 23:54
> To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> Subject: strange behaviour of opensso on glassfish V3 Prelude (b28c)
> Hi everyone,
> I've tested the latest two opensso releases (Express 5 and Enterprise 80) on
> Glassfish b28c.
> (removed all config files before deployment, as I'm used to).
> No errors were shown while autodeploying on glassfish, nor any during the
> default installation of opensso. (Debug mode)
> (Create default configuration).
> In the default configuration, one only has to enter the password for amAdmin
> and UrlAccessAgent.
> Strangely, after installation I cannot login to the admin console using the
> password provided during installation.
> I also tried http://host.domain/deployurl/UI/Login?module=DataStore as a
> test, but no difference. (Release notes state this is only necessary if one
> is not using the DataStore authentication module on the root realm - clearly
> not the case, even the login page states " This server uses Data Store
> Authentication" - but I tried it anyway)
> After login, one is simply redirected back to the logon page, not the admin
> console. No validation/authentication errors are shown either.
> This opposed to the situation when a false password is provided. Then the
> auth page clearly says : "Authentication failed", and a link back to the
> logon page is provided.
> This lead me to believe the problem is somewhere in the redirection, and the
> actual authentication is done correctly (I would have to test further).
> After closer inspection of server.log I do see an unaccounted for
> NumberFormatException, and some dependency failure in jvm.log
> (Attached, don't mind the EJB/SQL exceptions pls, this is due to a DB pool
> that is not configured properly for another app - should not be related)
> I have tested both versions of opensso on Tomcat 6.0.18 as well.
> The problem does not exist on TC, which leads me to believe this is a
> glassfish issue, and was worth mentioning here.
> Also, since Glassfish is stated on the opensso page as the "preferred
> application server" for running opensso, I thought this is an issue which
> should to be looked into. After all it would be a big bummer if someone gave
> this combo a quick try on a windows box.
> OS : Windows XP Version 2002 SP3
> JDK : 1.6.0_06
> GF : b28c
> Has anyone else experienced this behaviour?
> Any further steps required/desired from my side?
> Thanks,
> Wim
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