
Re: Testing strategies in Glassfish/J2EE

From: Felipe Gaúcho <fgaucho_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2008 08:42:36 +0100

I use integration tests only.. since I don't have resources to produce
tons of tests..

so, my system is a web service, and I have a lot of JUnit tests
calling the web service and checking the expected values.. I assume
the code behind the service facade is ok if the results are ok.. I
know, not the best assumption at all, but it is a quick way to check
the integration.........

I am using Java EE 5 + JPA/Toplink + SOAP 1.1 ws

If you want to check the code, it is LGPL open source here:

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 1:31 AM, Chun, Byung C
<byungchun_at_statestreet.com> wrote:
> You could always take the integration testing route by using a combination of selenium, selenium rc, and cubit, all open source :-) from openqa.org. Also, for code coverage and static/heuristic testing, take a look at sonar.codehaus.org which wraps around pmd, findbugs, checkstyle, and cobertura with hudson integration, all open source :-)
> Jin
>> mobile on blackberry [857-222-7518]
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Darryl.Mocek_at_Sun.COM <Darryl.Mocek_at_Sun.COM>
> To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net <quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net>
> Sent: Tue Nov 18 18:42:03 2008
> Subject: Testing strategies in Glassfish/J2EE
> Hello,
> I'm working on an application built using J2EE and running under
> Glassfish v2u2. I use NetBeans 6.5 for development. I'm trying to find
> the best strategies for testing my application. I am used to using unit
> tests, so I've been looking at JUnit. I also attended a session at the
> last JavaOne which discussed DBUnit. I like DBUnit because my
> application is heavily database dependent and I'd like to put the
> database into a testing state so I can test various specific scenarios.
> I currently have static (not running under Glassfish) and runtime
> (running under Glassfish) tests built, but only a couple. I plan on
> using a mix of various tests to comprehensively test my application.
> My issue is that I need to test methods which interact with the database
> and which use an entitiy manager within Glassfish. So static testing
> with JUnit and/or DBUnit will not work since my methods being tested
> expect to have a J2EE entity manager available. Runtime testing with
> JUnit/DBUnit does not seem to work. If I extend either of these classes
> and build a test to instantiate my extended class, the tests don't
> run...as if the class never was instantiated. I would expect at least
> an error around not finding appropriate J2EE container information. I
> am starting to look into using mock testing. I'm also looking into
> using EJB3Unit (http://ejb3unit.sourceforge.net), which looks promising,
> and TestNG, which I have seen some Glassfish blog posts which state
> Glassfish itself is tested using TestNG. Part of the problem I'm having
> is as I search the Internet for testing frameworks for J2EE
> applications, most of what I see is old (e.g. J2EEUnit) and not in use
> or at least not in development any longer. It's almost as if various
> strategies have been tried, but nothing nothing really worked so work on
> it stopped.
> What is the best way to perform testing on J2EE applications and which
> testing frameworks should I be looking at?
> Thanks,
> Darryl
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