
Re: SJSU Student Querry::Cannot view profile in SocialSite

From: Davis Nguyen <Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2008 16:01:50 -0700

Hi Atreyee,

Can you do another thing here? Restart the Derby database and AppServer
Go to .../<AppServer-Install>/bin directory and type
     asadmin stop-database
     asadmin stop-domain
     asadmin start-database
     asadmin start-domain
Then retry your procedure. If it's still not working for you, can you
please attach the server.log and socialsite.log files to this email and
send it back? The log files should be located under
../<AppServer-Install>/domains/domain1/logs directory.


atreyee dhar wrote:

> Davis
> Thanks for the reply
> When i click on profile a pop up window should come up which will let
> me fill in the profile details like contact ..personal ...etc ..
> However I do not have any popups coming .
> My popup blocker is not enabled.
> Tried in IE, Chrome and Mozilla.
> Please advise.
> Thanks
> Atreyee
> On Mon, Oct 6, 2008 at 11:04 AM, Davis Nguyen <Davis.Nguyen_at_sun.com
> <mailto:Davis.Nguyen_at_sun.com>> wrote:
> Hi Atreyee,
> Thanks for using the SocialSite product.
> I review your ProfilePage.jpg screenshoot and saw that you have
> "profile" and "gadgets" links appear on the upper page.
> 1. To view and edit Profile, you should click at the "profile" link.
> 2. For a group since there is no default group so you need to
> create one before you can search for it. Or, click at "Browse All
> Groups" to view existing groups on the system if you have some.
> 3. For people, you can type you login ID then click search, or
> [Browse All People] page
> For document on how to use "SosialSite," please visit this link
> http://blogs.sun.com/socialsite/
> Please let us know if it's help
> Thanks,
> -davis
> atreyee dhar wrote:
>> Hi
>> I have logged in to SocialSite but cannot see any profile.
>> I am trying to edit my profile properties.
>> But can see nothing
>> Attached is a screenshot of what I see.
>> Please adise on what to do ?
>> Thanks a ton
>> Atreyee
>> Note: Similarly when i click on search for people/groups I can
>> see nothing .
>> It is a simple blank page
>> Also a blank page for create groups/browse groups and all the rest
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