
Part of Jersey Tutorial is ready for review

From: <Debbie.Carson_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2008 00:53:36 -0700

Hi, part of the Jersey tutorial is ready for review. You can access the
PDF version by going to this page:
clicking the Attachment page at the bottom, and selecting
RESTWEBSVCSDG.pdf. The reviews of the first draft are due by the end of
the day Friday, 10/10, but please let me know earlier if there are going
to be big changes coming, or if you need more time.

Can I get the name(s) of the person(s) who will review each chapter?

Currently, the following chapters are ready for review:

_Chapter 1: Introduction to RESTful Web Services and Jersey_

For this chapter, just a brief introduction to what RESTful Web Services
are in case someone who doesn't know is just browsing the doc set
looking for ideas. Please comment on whether this information is
complete and clear, or please indicate what you'd like to see changed or
added. It is most helpful to me to have some details or links so that I
can get a clearer view.

_Chapter 2: Installing Jersey and the Jersey Examples
I was able to get this to work on my Solaris and Windows machines, so I
think it's pretty accurate, but please let me know if I've missed
anything important or if there is any other information you'd like to
have me present on this topic.

_Chapter 5: Examples_

For some of the examples, I just took the info from the README files,
but I would like for the reviewer to see if there is anything that could
be added to enhance the user's understanding of the example. Also, did
I highlight the most important part of the code. The instructions that
are in this document worked for me, but please verify that they are
accurate. I think it would be great to be able to add a bit more
comment in the code itself to make it more approachable for a new user.

Remember that this document is supposed to be about using Jersey with
GlassFish v3 Prelude, and that I'm supposed to document using NetBeans
and the command line for the examples where possible. I don't think
that the storage-service example works with NetBeans, but it may just be
that I needed to do more configuration, like I did for the bookstore
example. If this is true, please let me know and I'll work on getting
it to run and document it using NetBeans.
