
Re: [FishCAT] Please start testing b28, Thanks !

From: Jose Noheda <jose.noheda_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 09:59:12 +0200

One possible enhancement. The current installer asks for username and
password but does not ask for password confirmation. That can be pretty
dangerous if you accidentally mistype something

On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 7:21 AM, Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com> wrote:

> Hi FishCAT and All,
> There are a few bugs missed in b27, which got quickly fixed in b28. Please
> try this b28 if you have some time and
> please let us know for any issue.
> Happy Fishcatting !
> Judy
> *GlassFish V3 Prelude Release Schedule:*
> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=GlassFishV3Schedule
> *
> Where to get build:*
> Installer Bundles:
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/glassfish-v3-prelude-b28-unix.sh
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/glassfish-v3-prelude-b28-windows.exe
> http://download.java.net/glassfish/v3/promoted/glassfish-v3-prelude-b28.zip
> *How to find open bugs:*
> This is open V3 bug query
> <https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/reports.cgi?state=Open+issues&issue_type=DEFECT&containing=gfv3-prelude-include&type=natural+language+search&x=Subcomponent&y=Priority>
> *Where to look for howto:*
> FishCAT FAQ <http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=FishCATFAQ>