
RE: glassfish v3 + openesb ?

From: Wim Verreycken <wim_at_pizzastop.be>
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2008 10:42:58 +0100

Hi Judy, Survivant,

I also would like to have an example of the following for openesb.

I have a internal (glassfish) webservice wich uses some xml schema.
I would like to provide a new webservice wich "translates" the xml
requests/responses from this service to a different schema.
(xml elements in the original one schema need to be attributes in the new,
and vice versa)
This with openesb using xslt.

Aside from the "Hello" example I cannot find much detail on this,
nevertheless it seems like a common use case to me.

@survivant : is this what you mean with a complete loop?

So +1, I think.

-----Original Message-----
From: Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: vrijdag 31 oktober 2008 1:58
To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: glassfish v3 + openesb ?

Hi Survivant, I will help to forward your email, will let you know
after I get the answer.

Thanks -)

Survivant 00 wrote:
> I have 2 questions.
> #1 - does Openesb can work with gfv3 ?
> #2 - I,m looking for a complete sample for openesb. I would like to
> play with it with GF. I was looking for a sample like quotestock, but
> all the sample that I found call a external webservice. I would like
> to test a complete loop : everything within openesb and GF.
> can someone help me to test that ?

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