
Re: Has anyone tried V3 Prelude with...

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2008 08:08:03 -0700


Thanks Jose :-)

Any more from any one ?


Jose Noheda wrote:
> I forgot to mention DWR (3.0) works great as well
> On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 3:16 AM, Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com
> <mailto:Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com>> wrote:
> It is great to see so many reply to this thread. Would like to
> thank Jose, Wouter, Kristian and Survivant
> letting us know what frameworks/applications they tested. This is
> one significant contribution the community
> can help us improve GF quality. If you tested any
> frameworks/applications with GF, please let us know !
> Have a good weekend every one :-)
> Judy
> Kristian Rink wrote:
> Hi all;
> ... an answer shorter than expected, perhaps, but as we so far
> "just" use it
> for our own applications on the move from Spring 2.x to
> EJB/Java EE, the set
> is fairly limited I suppose:
> Judy Tang schrieb:
> So, who has tried...
> - Frameworks
> Most of our applications do contain Spring 2.5.x along with
> its usual set of
> dependencies, plus SLF4J for logging purposes. Works rather
> fine on GFv3 as
> well as it does on GFv2, no real issues to report here.
> - Tools
> o JProfiler, JVantage, IntelliJ, OpenPMF, MC4J, JInspired
> Deployment works well as tested so far (locally) using the
> maven2 exec:exec
> plugin and an appropriate profile configuration.
> - Interop technologies
> o PostgreSQL, JUEL.
> We use SAP MaxDB 7.6 in our backend which also works
> flawlessly using the
> SAPDB 7.6.x JDBC driver configured accordingly in the
> Glassfish JDBC
> configuration environment (even though we had to install it
> manually same as
> in GFv2 as it is not provided by default). No problem, though. :)
> Cheers & all the best,
> Kristian
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