
Re: GFpluggins Elcipse unabled to locate GFv2 instance

From: Survivant 00 <survivant00_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 16:05:26 -0400

I think they miss a bug :)

I just got few calls today from users at my job.

they upgrade to JRe 6 update 10.

now we all have a error popop when launching our application via Webstart.
(jnlp) (we just have to close them, and the application will continue.. but
that stress all the users)

I have found this thread


2008/10/21 Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_sun.com>

> Survivant 00 wrote:
>> jdk 6 update 10 was release last week.. you didn't know that and you work
>> at sun :)
> haha, SQE know, we tested it and made sure it is working with GlassFish
> before the release :-)
> Ludo has more important thing to look after :-)

(image/jpeg attachment: Capture2008-10-21-16.04.09.jpg)