
Re: GFpluggins Elcipse unabled to locate GFv2 instance

From: Ludovic Champenois <Ludovic.Champenois_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 08:33:35 -0700

Survivant 00 wrote:
> I try to install GFv2 in Eclipse, but I'm not able to find the GFv2
> instance.
> I try to select the root of glassfish v2 or the glassfish/lib it
> still doesn't find it.
> I install it from
> glassfish-installer-v2ur2-b04-windows.jar
> and I know GFv2 works, because I'm running a webapp on it.
> I'm using Eclipse 3.4 + gfplugins 1.12
Maybe you are using an 'old' Eclipse workspace that was configured with
an 'old' GlassFish plugin from which you registered this V2 server
If this is the case, we are not very good so far to keep bakcward compat
with server definitions across new Glassfish plugins. The workaround
would be to either use a new workspace or delete completely the old
server runtime definitions from the Preferences dialog in Eclipse.
The delete action is the server view is not enough as runtime info is
kept in Eclipse Preferences.