
Re: Presentation proposal for DeVoxx

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <w.rittmeyer_at_jsptutorial.org>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 16:45:31 +0200

Miroslav Nachev wrote:
> Hi,
> If we would like to say that GlassFish support OSGi this means that all
> parts of one Java EE application MUST be separated OSGi bundles:
> EnterpriseApplication.jar, EnterpriseApplication-ejb.jar,
> EnterpriseApplication-war.jar, EnterpriseApplication-app-client.jar.

I believe OSGi is used to support pluggable containers. So the EJB
container could be one OSGi-bundle, the ServletContainer another one.
Thus one might even be able to switch one EJB container for another - if
one likes to do so. And likewise one might wish to install another
container for a component type that is not (yet) supported by the
Glassfish community.

The apps themselves IMHO are deployed as always. I do not suppose that
your ejb-jar must be an OSGi-bundle.

But it might be a good idea to post this question to the developer list.

Wolfram Rittmeyer
> Regards,
> Miro.