
Re: Presentation proposal for DeVoxx

From: Judy Tang <Judy.J.Tang_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 15:09:00 -0700

Hi Miro, Wolfram and Wouter,

This is a good discussion to see FishCATs giving talks and demos to
promote GlassFish. Let me
help to follow up to see who can help with the following question.


Miroslav Nachev wrote:
> Hi Wouter,
> The OSGi and GlassFish demo is not correct title. The correct title is
> OSGi demo using Apache Felix together with GlassFish OSGi system bundles.
> My question is "Where and how are integrated that OSGi demo and Java
> EE specific things like EJBs, JMS', etc.?".
> Regards,
> Miro.
> Wouter van Reeven wrote:
>> Hi Miro,
>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 11:28:50PM +0300, Miroslav Nachev wrote:
>>> On 26th of November I will do presentation for OSGi in Bulgarian Java Users
>>> Group (BG-JUG). The contents is:
>>> 1. Short OSGi introduction - 40 minutes
>>> 2. Mobile Phone real working Demo - 15 minutes
>>> 3. Hello Word demo using Eclipse OSGi plugin & Declarative Services - 15
>>> minutes
>>> 4. Complex Demo Application using Maven, NetBeans and Eclipse - 30 minutes
>>> 5. Enterprise OSGi and Java EE
>>> 6. Other demos which are not presented but will be included
>>> 7. Q & A
>>> We can share our demos and ideas. Unfortunately GlassFish is not planed to
>>> support OSGi for Application level. For the moment OSGi is supported only on
>>> System level.
>> Yes, let's share ideas and demo's. And thanks for the info about OSGi and
>> GlassFish. I have seen several emails about this in the past few weeks, but
>> haven't dived into this myself yet. So I wasn't aware that OSGi is only
>> supported on System level. It makes me wonder what to demo about that then. I
>> guess something like what's described here by Arun:
>> http://weblogs.java.net/blog/arungupta/archive/2008/06/totd_36_deploy.html
>> Greets, Wouter
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