
Trying to Install EJB 3.1 / Update Center with GF v3

From: Adam Bien <abien_at_adam-bien.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 12:22:29 +0200

Hi all,

I try to install support for EJB 3.1 and get the following error:

"Software repository: http://pkg.glassfish.org/v3prelude/dev/windows/
Software repository: http://pkg.glassfish.org/v3prelude/contrib/windows/
Software repository: http://pkg.glassfish.org/v3prelude/release/windows/
Software repository:
Software repository:
IOException: Connection failed: 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable

Could not download application packages. This could be because
a proxy server is needed to access the internet. Please ensure that
the system proxy server settings in your Internet Options control panel
(under Connections:LAN Settings) are correct"

It worked so far with other "preludes" -> it seems like there is a
problem with the repo / connection.



 Consultant, Author, Java Champion
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 Books: Enterprise Architekturen (ISBN: 393504299X),
        Java EE 5 Architekturen  (ISBN: 3939084247),
        J2EE Patterns, J2EE Hotspots, Enterprise Frameworks and Struts