
OpenSocial/SocialSite Webinar tomorrow - David Johnson

From: Aditya Dada <Aditya.Dada_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Oct 2008 17:45:50 -0500

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let you all know that there will be a webinar on SocialSite
and Open Social tomorrow. This is a great opportunity to learn more
about SocialSite.

See its blog entry: http://blogs.sun.com/socialsite/entry/socialsite_webinar

Details of webinar are at:

Hope to see you there!


Speaker Dave Johnson, Sun Microsystems
Date Thursday, October 9th, 2008
Time 11:15am PT (US)
Physical Location: SCA14, Pirates of the Caribbean, 3730
Concall Toll Free: (866) 545-5227
         Int'l Access: (215) 446-3648 (caller paid)
         Access Code: 3535518
Online TheAquarium Channel

Title: Make your websites social with Glassfish and SocialSite

Project SocialSite is taking a new approach to social networking.
Instead of replacing your existing web site with a Social Networking
system, SocialSite allows you make your existing blogs, wikis, forums
and portals social and all backed by the same Social Graph of users. It
doesn't matter whether your existing applications are Java, Ruby, PHP or
blog/CMS template driven, you can easily add the SocialSite Widgets and
and give your users a complete Social Networking experience right in the
pages of your existing site. You'll be able to provide Personal Profile
and Group Profile pages, a Dashboard for your users to manage their
groups and connections and allow your users to install standard
OpenSocial Gadgets that operate against their network of friends. Your
applications can manage the social graph via the SocialSite web services
and via standard OpenSocial Gadget technology.

In this webinar we'll explain the reasoning behind Project SocialSite,
the basics of OpenSocial and what SocialSite adds, the SocialSite
architecture and its Widgets and Web Services.

Other Notes:
Project SocialSite is an open source dual-licensed under CDDL/GPL2. For
more information, follow the Project SocialSite blog or follow the The
Aquarium blog's posts tagged with socialsite.