
Glassfish V2/V3 Plugin IDE Tools Weekly Status (July09 - July15)

From: Davis Nguyen <Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 14:21:14 -0700

  *2. **Netbean 6.5/6.1 with **Glassfish V3 & Sailfin
*-Glassfish Project for Netbean IDE Integration Page
<https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/netbeans/> was updated with
latest information.
-Developer working toward features freeze for V3 Plugin
-QA tested the NB 6.5 nightly build and open 1 new issue, click here
for the current opening issues/bugs
-QA tested NB6.1 with Sailfin promoted b41 build, click here
for the current opening issues in Sailfin & 9.x
-For anyone who is interested to use 6.5 nightly build, please click
this link http://bits.netbeans.org/download/trunk/nightly

*3. Eclipse Plugin with Glassfish V2/V3
*-Eclipse plugin enhancement request list were reviewed. A list of
Tomcat comparison feature was also provided
-QA tested Eclipse 3.4 version with Glassfish V2 and opened 1 new issue.
Click here
for the current Eclipse Plugin opening bugs/issues
-QA blog Eclipse 1.0.4 plugin release
-Click here <http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages> to download the
Eclipse 3.4 FCS build. Please use the "Eclipse IDE for Java EE
Developers" to see the Glassfish Plugin

For schedules, document and references, please visits here