
Re: Eclipse plugin for Glassfish v1/v2/v3

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2008 14:47:46 -0700

Thanks Davis.

Correction on the email address (the one mentioned in your email is a
Sun internal address used for team matters and not used for the open
source discussions) :

For feedback on Eclipse or Netbeans or any new IDE plugins with
GlassFish, we encourage everyone to discuss those in the users mailing
list at
users AT glassfishplugins DOT dev DOT java DOT net
or to the GlassFish user mailing list.

We very much welcome contributions of any tests, bug reports, fixes, and
any further code contributions to improve these plugins (particularly
the Eclipse plugin) to the glassfishplugins project.

Best wishes

Davis Nguyen wrote:
> Hi,
> Some of you might already know that beside using Netbean IDE tool to
> develop applications for Glassfish, you can also use Eclipse and
> JBuilder tools as well. The page below shows the steps to use Eclipse
> 3.3 version with Glassfish
> https://glassfishplugins.dev.java.net/eclipse33
> For any question to use Eclipse with Glassfish please send it to
> as-tools-iteam_at_sun.com. To log bug please go to
> https://glassfishplugins.dev.java.net/issues
> Thanks,
> -davis