
Re: Solaris Trusted Extensions and GlassFish

From: Nouar Garcia-Mardambek <Nouar.Garcia_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2008 10:50:54 +0200

Gopal Jorapur wrote:
> Hi,
> Jagadesh and Shaline have this informative blog on How to Configure
> Trusted Solaris and run GlassFish Application Server
> This is highlighted in our blog page
> http://blogs.sun.com/quality/
> Solaris Trusted Extensions is one of the most demanding feature set
> among Enterprise customers, please check the blog
> Thanks,
> Gopal
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Great community, will be a big consumer for this entry as I was looking for this information "how to set Solaris Trusted
Extensions" to do Update Center 2.0 testing.

Many thanks to Jagadesh, Shaline and for the initiators of this community ; no need to re-invent the wheel while others did it.

best regards,

Nouar Garcia * 33-(0)4-76-18-81-07 * (SWI-qa / update center 2.0 qa)
Sun microsystems: 180,avenue de l'Europe (ZIRST MontBonnot)
38334 St-Ismier - FRANCE