
Re: Proposal for Test Specification template

From: Davis Nguyen <Davis.Nguyen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 16:53:44 -0700

Hi Jagadesh,

The Test Spec looks good to me and below is my comments

1. Can you add the Review sections to the Test Spec. template? A test
spec should be reviewed and the review feedback should be documented in
the test spec.
2. Should the strategy section go into the Test Plan than inside the
Test Spec?


agadesh Babu Munta wrote:

> Hi Geoff,
> I got a comment from Judy Tang here is the reply. Hope more people
> participate in the discussion thread.
> Judy Tang wrote:
>> (2) I like this test specs. The only comment I have is just have
>> test description, in the description people
>> can put the test strategy if there is a need. What do you and other
>> think ?
> The idea is to have the description or example (or even more details
> if like it) in description section. It is more of "what this
> feature/test is about"? The strategy is more of "how do you test
> this?" . It is better to have some steps or so in strategy and one
> or 2 sentences about the test feature in description. I think better
> to separate, so that the strategy can be hooked to the test itself
> otherwise big description may not be as readable.
> Thanks.
> -- Jagadesh
>> Thanks,
>> Judy
> Thanks.
> -- Jagadesh
> Geoff Halliwell wrote:
>> Jagadesh,
>> We need to populate the wiki for the V2 one-pagers with our test
>> specifications:
>> http://www.glassfishwiki.org/gfwiki/Wiki.jsp?page=OnePagersOrFunctionalSpecs
>> have you received any feedback on your proposed template?
>> Thanks,
>> Geoff
>> Jagadesh Babu Munta wrote On 09/21/06 17:24,:
>>> Hi,
>>> As we are going to create test specifications for GlassFish v2 or
>>> Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 features, I would like to
>>> propose a template for test specification. This can help us to give
>>> us consistent readability.
>>> See the attached file.
>>> Please share your comments, additions and thoughts!
>>> Thanks.
>>> -- Jagadesh
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> GlassFish v2 or Sun Java System Application Server 9.1
>>> <<Module>> Test Specification
>>> Author: <<name>>
>>> Created Date: <<date>>; Last Updated: <<date>>
>>> Introduction
>>> // Brief about this document at very high level of the test module
>>> Test Scenarios
>>> <<Links to the below scenarios for easy navigation>>
>>> // List the all the test scenarios with following details for each
>>> test.
>>> <<[scenario-id]:>> <<Requirement Synopsis>>
>>> // say [SEC-TS-01]: <information>
>>> Description:
>>> // simple description about the requirement w.r.t testing . Also
>>> include more design information if needed to understand the test.
>>> Strategy:
>>> // text to explain what is the basic strategy.
>>> Open Issues:
>>> // List if any open issues for the above
>>> // Repeat above 4 sections ( from scenario-id to open issues ) until
>>> all
>>> the tests covered.
>>> References
>>> // List references if any