
Re: [Fwd: CR 6481552 Updated P2 sunone_appli/web_services SOAPBinding style RPC ENCODED / DOCUMENT ENCODED not generating any WSDL]

From: Geoff Halliwell <Geoffrey.Halliwell_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 12:25:05 -0700

Which can be viewed at:


Balaji Raghunathan wrote On 10/18/06 12:40,:
> There are 4 different ways a WSDL can be formed.
> Document Encoded
> Document Literal
> RPC Encoded
> RPC Literal.
> When we deploy annotated WS applications with default
> values for the "SOAPBinding" annotation, Document Literal
> is assumed to be used and the WSDL is generated
> accordingly. However when SOAPBinding annotation is
> used to set desired WSDL type as RPC ENCODED or
> DOCUMENT ENCODED, the app. server does not generate the
> WSDL for the application concerned. Bug 6481552 was submitted
> for this problem.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> CR 6481552 Updated P2 sunone_appli/web_services SOAPBinding style RPC
> ENCODED / DOCUMENT ENCODED not generating any WSDL
> From:
> Balaji.Raghunathan_at_Sun.COM
> Date:
> Thu, 12 Oct 2006 18:21:48 -0600 (MDT)
> To:
> Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM, Gajanan.Kulkarni_at_Sun.COM,
> Geoffrey.Halliwell_at_Sun.COM, Balaji.Raghunathan_at_Sun.COM,
> Raja.Perumal_at_Sun.COM, Jerome.Dochez_at_Sun.COM, Abhijit.Kumar_at_Sun.COM,
> Jagadesh.Munta_at_Sun.COM, Tony.Ng_at_Sun.COM, Chee-Weng.Chea_at_Sun.COM,
> Qingqing.Ouyang_at_Sun.COM, Olaf.Hey_at_Sun.COM
> *Synopsis*: SOAPBinding style RPC ENCODED / DOCUMENT ENCODED not generating any WSDL
> http://bt2ws.central.sun.com/CrPrint?id=6481552
> CR 6481552 changed on Oct 13 2006 by balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com
> === Field ============ === New Value ============= === Old Value =============
> Description New Note
> Justification New Note Old Note
> Priority Justification Both RPC ENCODED and DOCU.. The JAXWS 2.0 Spec says t..
> Synopsis SOAPBinding style RPC ENC.. SOAPBinding style RPC ENC..
> ====================== =========================== ===========================
> *Change Request ID*: 6481552
> *Synopsis*: SOAPBinding style RPC ENCODED / DOCUMENT ENCODED not generating any WSDL
> Product: sunone_application_server
> Category: sunone_application_server
> Subcategory: web_services
> Type: Defect
> Subtype: Functionality
> Status: 1-Dispatched
> Substatus:
> Priority: 2-High
> Introduced In Release:
> Introduced In Build:
> Responsible Manager: tony.ng_at_sun.com
> Responsible Engineer:
> Initial Evaluator: ias_web_services_evaluators_at_sun.com
> Keywords:
> === *Description* ============================================================
> SJSAS 9.0 BUILD 14
> JDK 1.5
> =====================
> The server side code is annotated as follows:
> @SOAPBinding(
> style=SOAPBinding.Style.RPC,
> use=SOAPBinding.Use.ENCODED
> )
> The compilation goes through, but during deployment an ejbc compilation error
> is encountered. The WSDL file does with the above said style does not get generated.
> So the test fails.
> If the annotation is set for RPC LITERAL style, the test works as expected with the
> correct WSDL being generated.
> So it looks like the server does not generated ENCODED WSDL style even though it
> is mentioned as a supported style in the JAXWS 2.0 spec (page 87)
> To reproduce:
> checkout appserver-sqe
> go to appserver-sqe/pe/ws/shasta-integration/wsdltypes/rpc-enc
> do an "ant all"
> make sure that the env variables S1AS_HOME and SPS_HOME is set properly.
> *** (#1 of 2): 2006-10-12 23:51:03 GMT+00:00 balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com
> *** Last Edit: 2006-10-12 23:51:03 GMT+00:00 balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com
> DOCUMENT ENCODED set in the SOAPBinding annotation does not work too. This will also need to be investigated.
> *** (#2 of 2): 2006-10-13 00:16:57 GMT+00:00 balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com
> *** Last Edit: 2006-10-13 00:16:57 GMT+00:00 balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com
> === *Comments* ===============================================================
> === *Evaluation* =============================================================
> === *Suggested Fix* ==========================================================
> === *Workaround* =============================================================
> === *Justification* ==========================================================
> Priority changed from [] to [2-High]
> The JAXWS 2.0 Spec says that RPC ENCODED style should be supported, but annotating SOAPBinding for this does not generate any WSDL.
> balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com 2006-10-12 23:51:03 GMT
> Both RPC ENCODED and DOCUMENT ENCODED style set in the SOAPBinding annotation does not generate expected WSDL.
> balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com 2006-10-13 00:16:56 GMT
> *** (#1 of 1): 2006-10-12 23:51:03 GMT+00:00 balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com
> *** Last Edit: 2006-10-13 00:16:57 GMT+00:00 balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com
> === *Additional Details* =====================================================
> Targeted Release: 9.1pe
> Commit To Fix In Build:
> Fixed In Build:
> Integrated In Build:
> Verified In Build:
> See Also:
> Duplicate of:
> Hooks:
> Hook1:
> Hook2:
> Hook3:
> Hook4:
> Hook5:
> Hook6:
> Interest List: geoffrey.halliwell_at_sun.com
> Program Management:
> Root Cause:
> Requires Security Coordination: false
> Fix Affects Documentation: No
> Fix Affects Localization: No
> Reported by:
> === *History* ================================================================
> Date Submitted: 2006-10-12 23:51:02 GMT+00:00
> Submitted By: balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com
> Status Changed Date Updated Updated By
> === *Solution* ===============================================================
> === *Service Request* ========================================================
> ID: 1-247794405
> Customer:
> Account Name: internal test
> Contact Role: F-Functional Test
> Impact: Significant
> Functionality: Secondary
> Severity: 3
> Synopsis: SOAPBinding Style RPC ENCODED not generating any WSDL
> Product Name: sunone_application_server
> Product Release: 9.0peur1
> Product Build: b14
> Operating System: generic
> Hardware: generic
> Reference Number:
> Sun Contact: balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com
> Customer Contact: appserver-sqe
> Contact Type: I-Internal (SMI) Customer
> Status: Open
> Source: BugTraq2
> Reproducible: Always
> Submitted By: balaji.raghunathan_at_sun.com
> Submitted Date: 2006-10-12 23:51:04 GMT+00:00
> Description: The JAXWS 2.0 Spec says that RPC ENCODED style should be supported, but annotating SOAPBinding for this does not generate any WSDL.
> === *Activity* ===============================================================
> === *Multiple Release (MR) Cluster* - 0 ======================================
> === *Escalations* ============================================================