
Re: New Findbugs Reports

From: Geoffrey Halliwell <Geoffrey.Halliwell_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 20:21:32 -0700

Hi Jan,

Internally, FindBugs is run on the weekly promoted builds, we are
looking to
make the reports visible on GlassFish, but this will take some time
as Aditya is
out of the office until 10/25.

How often would you like FindBugs run? Nightly?


On Oct 5, 2006, at 4:30 PM, Jan Luehe wrote:

> Hi Aditya,
> Aditya Dada wrote On 09/29/06 10:28,:
>> Hi All,
>> We are regularly running FindBugs - the static analysis tool, on
>> Glassfish. Recent results have been posted on the Glassfish
>> Quality Portal (https://glassfish.dev.java.net/quality/) under
>> "Testing Project Glassfish -> FindBugs Reports".
>> The results were generated by analyzing Platform Edition and
>> Enterprise Edition jar files for GlassFish. Only high priority
>> warnings were generated in order to keep the number of warnings
>> manageable, and also because our goal is to go through the high
>> priority warnings and try and fix them before tackling the medium
>> priority ones.
>> The reports are available in 2 formats: Full and Detailed.
> how frequently were you planning to run FindBugs?
> I noticed the latest numbers are still for 9.1_b19.
> Could you publish numbers for the latest promoted build (9.1_b20),
> and any new promoted build from now on?
> Thanks!
> Jan
>> Full report includes warnings that are sorted by type.
>> Detailed report provides links on the top of the report to see
>> Summary, Analysis Information, Bugs by Category or Bugs by Package
>> If you have any questions regarding the reports, please let me know.
>> Thanks,
>> -Aditya