
Re: [Fwd: performance numbers]

From: Scott Oaks <Scott.Oaks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 15:10:25 -0400

Hi Praveen --

The unit tests themselves don't do any performance measurements. We do
have a performance team that does a number of performance tests on each
build, including measuring startup time and footprint overhead of the

Optimizing startup performance has been a key goal of the appserver for
quite some time (and has been significantly reduced over the past 18
months -- and it will be reduced substantially further in glassfish v2).
The same is true of our memory footprint. I think if you try it out
you'll find that we compare quite favorably to any other Java EE
application server in these areas.

> ______________________________________________________________________
> From: Praveen Ramachandra <Praveen_Ramachandra_at_infosys.com>
> To: quality_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
> Subject: performance numbers
> Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 04:23:26 -0700
> Hi All,
> Is there some quantification of appserver overhead measured in the test-suites? i.e., Amount of time and resources taken by the appserver before(after) the work by application components starts(stops).
> Ps. We are in the process of evaluation application servers for a very complex and large transaction intensive applications (tens of millions txns per day) for an enterprise. Glassfish is one of the candidates.
> Regards,
> Praveen Ramachandra
> Principal Architect, SI-TCG (Systems Integration - Technology Consulting Group)
> Infosys Technologies
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