
Re: Use of Checkstyle

From: Geoffrey Halliwell <Geoffrey.Halliwell_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 09 May 2006 13:58:28 -0700

Hi Murano,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

I like your idea. It sounds like you have run checkstyle; would you
like to run checkstyle against the module you are working with, and then
file an issue in IssueTracker?

If you would like to integrate some of the changes yourself, let us
know, and we can put you in touch with the module owner.



Murano Chimaera wrote On 05/08/06 04:50,:
> Hi,
> I'm looking forward to using Java EE 5. So much so that I downloaded the
> source code for Glassfish the other day. Having done this I was
> surprised to find that the code does not nearly follow the Coding
> Conventions stipulated for the project at
> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/GuidelinesandConventions.html#Coding_Conventions.
> (e.g. there are a number of different variable naming conventions in
> use, white space is used differently across the code base etc. etc.).
> Could I suggest that the rigorous enforcement of the chosen Coding
> Convention by the use of Checkstyle (http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/)
> during code development and builds would result in much higher GlassFish
> code quality and maintainability.
> Murano Chimaera
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