/* * The contents of this file are subject to the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License * (the "License"). You may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at * glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt or * https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html. * See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL * HEADER in each file and include the License file at * glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable, * add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your * own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] * [name of copyright owner] */ // Copyright (c) 1998, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. package oracle.toplink.essentials.sequencing; import java.util.Vector; import java.io.Serializable; import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession; import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.Platform; import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.DatasourcePlatform; import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.databaseaccess.Accessor; import oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.ValidationException; /** *

* Purpose: Define an interface for sequencing customization. *

* Description: Customary sequencing behavior could be achieved by * implementing this interface and passing the instance to * DatabaseSession.getSequencingControl().setValueGenerationPolicy(..). * TopLink internally uses the same method to set its default implementation * of this interface, which provides native sequencing and table sequencing. * Note that the following methods: * shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert(); * shouldUsePreallocation(); * shouldUseSeparateConnection(); * shouldUseTransaction(); * are called only once - during creation of the sequencing object. * Therefore during the lifetime of sequencing object these methods * should return the same values as when called for the first time. * If this is not true - resetSequencing (call SequencingControl.resetSequencing()). *

* Responsibilities: *

* @see SequencingControl */ public abstract class Sequence implements Serializable, Cloneable { // name protected String name = ""; // preallocation size protected int size = 50; // owner platform protected Platform platform; protected int initialValue = 1; // number of times onConnect was called - number of times onDisconnect was called protected int depth; public Sequence() { super(); } public Sequence(String name) { this(); setName(name); } public Sequence(String name, int size) { this(); setName(name); setPreallocationSize(size); } public Sequence(String name, int size, int initialValue) { this(); setName(name); setPreallocationSize(size); setInitialValue(initialValue); } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public int getPreallocationSize() { return size; } public void setPreallocationSize(int size) { this.size = size; } public int getInitialValue() { return initialValue; } public void setInitialValue(int initialValue) { this.initialValue = initialValue; } public Object clone() { try { Sequence clone = (Sequence)super.clone(); if (isConnected()) { clone.depth = 1; clone.onDisconnect(getDatasourcePlatform()); } return clone; } catch (Exception exception) { throw new InternalError("Clone failed"); } } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Sequence) { return equalNameAndSize(this, (Sequence)obj); } else { return false; } } public static boolean equalNameAndSize(Sequence seq1, Sequence seq2) { if (seq1 == seq2) { return true; } return seq1.getName().equals(seq2.getName()) && (seq1.getPreallocationSize() == seq2.getPreallocationSize()); } protected void setDatasourcePlatform(Platform platform) { this.platform = platform; } public Platform getDatasourcePlatform() { return platform; } /** * INTERNAL: * Indicates whether sequencing value should be acquired after INSERT. * Note that preallocation could be used only in case sequencing values * should be acquired before insert (this method returns false). * In default implementation, it is true for table sequencing and native * sequencing on Oracle platform, false for native sequencing on other platforms. */ public abstract boolean shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert(); /** * INTERNAL: * Indicates whether several sequencing values should be acquired at a time * and be kept by TopLink. This in only possible in case sequencing numbers should * be acquired before insert (shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert()==false). * In default implementation, it is true for table sequencing and native * sequencing on Oracle platform, false for native sequencing on other platforms. */ public boolean shouldUsePreallocation() { return !shouldAcquireValueAfterInsert(); } /** * INTERNAL: * Indicates whether TopLink should internally call beginTransaction() before * getGeneratedValue/Vector, and commitTransaction after. * In default implementation, it is true for table sequencing and * false for native sequencing. */ public abstract boolean shouldUseTransaction(); /** * INTERNAL: * Indicates whether existing attribute value should be overridden. * This method is called in case an attribute mapped to PK of sequencing-using * descriptor contains non-null value. * @param seqName String is sequencing number field name * @param existingValue Object is a non-null value of PK-mapped attribute. */ public abstract boolean shouldOverrideExistingValue(String seqName, Object existingValue); /** * INTERNAL: * Indicates whether existing attribute value should be overridden. * This method is called in case an attribute mapped to PK of sequencing-using * descriptor contains non-null value. * @param existingValue Object is a non-null value of PK-mapped attribute. */ public boolean shouldOverrideExistingValue(Object existingValue) { return shouldOverrideExistingValue(getName(), existingValue); } /** * INTERNAL: * Return the newly-generated sequencing value. * Used only in case preallocation is not used (shouldUsePreallocation()==false). * Accessor may be non-null only in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true. * Even in this case accessor could be null - if SequencingControl().shouldUseSeparateConnection()==false; * Therefore in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true, implementation should handle * both cases: use a separate connection if provided (accessor != null), or get by * without it (accessor == null). * @param accessor Accessor is a separate sequencing accessor (may be null); * @param writeSession Session is a Session used for writing (either ClientSession or DatabaseSession); * @param seqName String is sequencing number field name */ public abstract Object getGeneratedValue(Accessor accessor, AbstractSession writeSession, String seqName); /** * INTERNAL: * Return the newly-generated sequencing value. * Used only in case preallocation is not used (shouldUsePreallocation()==false). * Accessor may be non-null only in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true. * Even in this case accessor could be null - if SequencingControl().shouldUseSeparateConnection()==false; * Therefore in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true, implementation should handle * both cases: use a separate connection if provided (accessor != null), or get by * without it (accessor == null). * @param accessor Accessor is a separate sequencing accessor (may be null); * @param writeSession Session is a Session used for writing (either ClientSession or DatabaseSession); */ public Object getGeneratedValue(Accessor accessor, AbstractSession writeSession) { return getGeneratedValue(accessor, writeSession, getName()); } /** * INTERNAL: * Return a Vector of newly-generated sequencing values. * Used only in case preallocation is used (shouldUsePreallocation()==true). * Accessor may be non-null only in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true. * Even in this case accessor could be null - if SequencingControl().shouldUseSeparateConnection()==false; * Therefore in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true, implementation should handle * both cases: use a separate connection if provided (accessor != null), or get by * without it (accessor == null). * @param accessor Accessor is a separate sequencing accessor (may be null); * @param writeSession Session is a Session used for writing (either ClientSession or DatabaseSession); * @param seqName String is sequencing number field name * @param size int number of values to preallocate (output Vector size). */ public abstract Vector getGeneratedVector(Accessor accessor, AbstractSession writeSession, String seqName, int size); /** * INTERNAL: * Return a Vector of newly-generated sequencing values. * Used only in case preallocation is used (shouldUsePreallocation()==true). * Accessor may be non-null only in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true. * Even in this case accessor could be null - if SequencingControl().shouldUseSeparateConnection()==false; * Therefore in case shouldUseSeparateConnection()==true, implementation should handle * both cases: use a separate connection if provided (accessor != null), or get by * without it (accessor == null). * @param accessor Accessor is a separate sequencing accessor (may be null); * @param writeSession Session is a Session used for writing (either ClientSession or DatabaseSession); */ public Vector getGeneratedVector(Accessor accessor, AbstractSession writeSession) { return getGeneratedVector(accessor, writeSession, getName(), getPreallocationSize()); } /** * INTERNAL: * This method is called when Sequencing object is created. * Don't override this method. * @param ownerSession DatabaseSession */ public void onConnect(Platform platform) { if (isConnected()) { verifyPlatform(platform); } else { setDatasourcePlatform(platform); onConnect(); } depth++; } /** * INTERNAL: * This method is called when Sequencing object is created. * If it requires initialization, subclass should override this method. * @param ownerSession DatabaseSession */ protected abstract void onConnect(); /** * INTERNAL: * This method is called when Sequencing object is destroyed. * Don't overridethis method. */ public void onDisconnect(Platform platform) { if (isConnected()) { depth--; if (depth == 0) { onDisconnect(); setDatasourcePlatform(null); } } } /** * INTERNAL: * This method is called when Sequencing object is destroyed. * If it requires deinitialization, subclass should override this method. */ protected abstract void onDisconnect(); /** * PUBLIC: * Indicates that Sequence is connected. */ public boolean isConnected() { return platform != null; } /** * INTERNAL: * Make sure that the sequence is not used by more than one platform. */ protected void verifyPlatform(Platform otherPlatform) { if (getDatasourcePlatform() != otherPlatform) { String hashCode1 = Integer.toString(System.identityHashCode(getDatasourcePlatform())); String name1 = ((DatasourcePlatform)getDatasourcePlatform()).toString() + '(' + hashCode1 + ')'; String hashCode2 = Integer.toString(System.identityHashCode(otherPlatform)); String name2 = ((DatasourcePlatform)otherPlatform).toString() + '(' + hashCode2 + ')'; throw ValidationException.sequenceCannotBeConnectedToTwoPlatforms(getName(), name1, name2); } } }