IANAL (NDIPOOTV) but... seems reasonable...
- eduard/o
Jerome Dochez wrote:
> On Jun 5, 2007, at 8:22 AM, Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>> Charles Oliver Nutter wrote:
>>> I'm here to see how small you can get a GlassFish core than can still
>>> run Rails with JRuby. Here's the challenge for you:
>>> - JRuby itself (compressed), including Ruby's standard library, is
>>> about 4-5MB.
>>> - Rails libraries (compressed) are about 1.5-1.8MB
>>> - Mongrel (compressed, fast Ruby/Java HTTP server) is 108k
>>> So minus GlassFish, a typical JRuby on Rails developer could get a
>>> server up in under 7MB, all requirements included. If they already
>>> have JRuby, under 2MB.
>> The lowest would consist of only Grizzly + hk2 (hk2 not counted here):
> +v3 core, I think we can get around 2 megs, just the licenses are 300Kb !
> I guess we may not need the 3rd-party-license.txt (250Kb) since we are
> only shipping our code in nucleus.
> eduardo ?
> jerome
>>> 4288 -rw-rw-r-- 1 ja120114 ja120114 4375435 May 30 15:12
>>> jruby-on-grizzly-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> which contains
>>> [ja120114_at_localhost jruby]$ unzip -l jruby-on-grizzly-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>> Archive: jruby-on-grizzly-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>> Length Date Time Name
>>> -------- ---- ---- ----
>>> 0 05-30-07 15:12 META-INF/
>>> 71 05-30-07 15:12 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
>>> 0 05-30-07 15:12 jruby-on-grizzly/
>>> 18413 05-30-07 15:12 jruby-on-grizzly/jruby-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>> 0 05-30-07 14:42 jruby-on-grizzly/lib/
>>> 26896 05-30-07 14:42 jruby-on-grizzly/lib/logging-api-1.0.4.jar
>>> 105474 05-30-07 14:42 jruby-on-grizzly/lib/modeler-1.1.jar
>>> 122728 05-30-07 14:42
>>> jruby-on-grizzly/lib/framework-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>> 374272 05-30-07 14:42
>>> jruby-on-grizzly/lib/http-utils-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>> 340082 05-30-07 14:42 jruby-on-grizzly/lib/http-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>> 15191 05-30-07 14:42 jruby-on-grizzly/lib/rcm-1.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
>>> 3404839 05-30-07 14:42
>>> jruby-on-grizzly/lib/jruby-complete-1.0RC2.jar
>>> 34832 05-30-07 14:42 jruby-on-grizzly/lib/asm-2.2.3.jar
>>> 245992 05-30-07 14:42
>>> jruby-on-grizzly/lib/backport-util-concurrent-2.0_01_pd.jar
>>> -------- -------
>>> 4688790 14 files
>> I assume at one point of the time you will remove
>> backport-util-concurrent-2.0_01_pd.jar? the http-utils can be reduced
>> and rcm be removed to reduce the size.
>> The v3 runtime shouldn't be that big but I suspect we will not be able
>> to be lower than the current jruby on Grizzly.
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>> I'd love to see a GlassFish deployment option that's comparable and
>>> attractive to this.
>>> - Charlie