Re: Working closely with GF v3 team

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:53:13 +0200


Sure, depending on the topic, you can use...

  - - for details on module and component system.
  - - for the nucleus / architectural
details of GFv3
  - - for early use of GFv3

Based on what you have said, I'd send my feedback to

The team had said they would be delivering weeklies on build statatus
and progress. Hopefully they will start doing it... :-)

        - eduard/o

Changshin Lee wrote:
> Hi Eduardo,
> I'm trying to use GF v3 trunk for some experimental web sites but the
> full build process fails now. Is there any way to co-work with GF v3
> team, particularly build status and state of progress.
> Cheers,
> ias