
New Java.net Project Request to Glassfish Community - rhinofaces

From: Eric Renaud <Eric.Renaud_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 00:53:44 -0800

To: Glassfish Community Leaders:


This project has been moved to your inbox <https://glassfish-inbox.dev.java.net/> for review.
Please approve or disapprove ASAP.

- Be sure to communicate your decision to the project
owner (cced here) as well and to the java.net project update alias.

- If Disapproved, let us both know the reason for disapproval.

- If Approved, inform the owner and welcome them to the

- Please be sure to cc me and bcc the update alias on all communication.

- If you decide to incubate this project (in your
community's incubator), please approve and inform the
project owner of your requirements to be graduated from
your incubator.

Please let me know via the project update alias whenever
you incubate a project and when you graduate it out of the
