
Re: New Java.net Project Request to Glassfish Community - officeregister

From: Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart <pelegri_at_sun.com>
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 15:45:30 -0800


GF-leads... we need to talk among ourselves on how to respond to these
guys. Unfortunately, this week is not good for me, but hopefully
sometime next week.

        - eduared/o

Eric Renaud wrote:
> To: Glassfish Community Leaders:
> https://officeregister.dev.java.net/
> This project has been moved to your inbox <https://glassfish-inbox.dev.java.net/> for review.
> Please approve or disapprove ASAP.
> - Be sure to communicate your decision to the project
> owner (cced here) as well and to the java.net project update alias.
> - If Disapproved, let us both know the reason for disapproval.
> - If Approved, inform the owner and welcome them to the
> community.
> - Please be sure to cc me and bcc the update alias on all communication.
> - If you decide to incubate this project (in your
> community's incubator), please approve and inform the
> project owner of your requirements to be graduated from
> your incubator.
> Please let me know via the project update alias whenever
> you incubate a project and when you graduate it out of the
> incubator.
> Thanks!