
Re: java.net project request - javacourseware

From: Eric Renaud <Eric.Renaud_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 21:54:23 -0700

Hi Jim,

The project needs to be approved before you (the project owner)
can add other members.

If you really need to have other users added before that happens,
send me their java.net usernames and I will add them with
the roles you indicate.



Jim Jiang wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Could you let me know why I cannot add other user to my
> project(https://javacourseware.dev.java.net)?
> What else need I do before running the project on Java.net?
> Thanks,
> Jim
> Eric Renaud wrote:
>> Done. I've forwarded your request to the Glassfish Community Leaders.
>> You may want to contact them yourself, with more information about
>> your project.
>> Regards,
>> Eric
>> Jim Jiang wrote:
>>> Hi Eric,
>>> Thank you for your efforts.
>>> I prefer to use CVS as the version control.
>>> Jim
>>> Eric Renaud wrote:
>>>> Hi Jim,
>>>> It looks like you were able to get your project create,
>>>> but without the intended spelling:
>>>> https://javacouseware.dev.java.net/
>>>> It doesn't appear that you have uploaded anything to the project,
>>>> so I'm going to delete it. I'll then create a new project with the
>>>> javacourseware spelling.
>>>> One question though: Do you want to stick with CVS or would
>>>> you prefer Subversion. CVS is the default and the choice for
>>>> a repository is often overlooked.
>>>> Just let me know.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Eric Renaud