Hi Pavel,
I saw your work on wiki. It should be great help to Russian GlassFish
users. Thank you for the contribution.
And thanks also to participate in our EA localization program. I added
Russian to v3 EA project in CTI and you are assigned as a translator.
You should now be able to start translation. In case you are not sure
which files to start with, how about starting with some of admin console
files? They are the one with */admingui/*.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Looking forward to see
GlassFish in Russian!
Pavel Vinogradov wrote:
> Hello.
> My name Pavel Vinogradov. I'm presenting Russian speaking part of world.
> I already work on translating User and Developer FAQ in wiki
> (http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=Translate_FAQStatus)
> And now i interest in participation in Glassfish EA localization program.
> I can help with translation into Russian language (RU).
> I already register in CTI as pavel.vinogradov and want to request
> creation of RU localization for glassfish and editor rights for me.
> On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 12:08 AM, Ming Dong <Ming.Dong_at_sun.com> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> Glassfish v3 is scheduled to be released in Sept. 2009. To help you get an
>> early access (EA) of this new product in your own language, we plan the
>> community project to localize the Glassfish EA program. We invite you to
>> join us in this effort. The instructions and related information for
>> participation, translation and testing are provided on the Glassfish G11n
>> wiki page: http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=G11n Please go
>> through the General Information and How to Get Started first, then review
>> the process in project 1 (v3 EA software translation) and project 2
>> (Testing).