
Re: Vonluteer Translator

From: Shinya Ogino <Shinya.Ogino_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 09:31:28 +0900

Hi Mario,

No problem. Please start your work when you have your environment setup.
Most communication around GlassFish community localization happens in
g11n_at_glassfish.dev.java.net so if you don't mind, please subscribe. I
will also try to keep you informed through emails.

To subscribe, open following page and look for the mailing list. If you
are logged in, you should be able to see subscribe link. If you don't
have java.net account, you can register by clicking register at top
right corner.


Any questions, please let me know.


marioalaniz.nic_at_gmail.com wrote:
> Dear Shinya,
> I am exciting working as volunteer translator, but by this week I cannot
> help until a couple of weeks because right now my internet connection is
> bad, and I will change of internet provider company. Be sure that I am in
> contact, and I will work on translation as soon as my internet connection is
> reestablished.
> Kind regards,
> Mario Alaniz
> 2009/5/17, Shinya Ogino <Shinya.Ogino_at_sun.com>:
>> Hi Mario,
>> Thank you for being interested in contributing to GlassFish. Please refer
>> to below page and find the ones in "Help!" state. Top page should be the
>> first candidate.
>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=G11nContributeWeb
>> Click links in the most left column to get the latest source file. Try to
>> reuse existing translations as much as possible to save your time. When
>> completed, just send me files in email so I can commit them.
>> If any questions, please let me know.
>> BTW, Have you had a chance to know about our v3 EA localization program? We
>> are looking for people who can volunteer in localizing software there.
>> Spanish is currently around 80% done so if you are interested in this also,
>> please let me know.
>> Program page:
>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=V3EAL10nProgram
>> Translation steps:
>> http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=V3EAL10nProcess
>> thanks!
>> Shinya
>> arioalaniz.nic_at_gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi. My name is Mario Alaniz. I am from Nicaragua-Central America-, and I
>>> study TEFL by which I am capable to work for GlassFish project,
>>> translating
>>> the website into Spanish as volunteer. I can work on FrontPage, so I do
>>> not
>>> have troubles by working with HTML files.
>>> I hope a soon answer from you.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Mario Alaniz
>>> (505)89609966