Hi Henrik,
If you had a chance to test 05-15 built l10n bundle, I guess you weren't
be able to see nb_NO localizations. I used nb_NO in that build since we
discussed and decided to use it.
However, after some more investigations, I'm almost decided to use "no"
as resource bundle's locale identifier for Bokmål. Below are some of
information I think are supporting this decision.
* Unfortunately, neither "nb" nor "nn" is supported in current Java.
* Current Java locale convention for Nowegian is as follows.
- no_NO_NY - Nynorsk
- no_NO - Bokmål and Nynorsk common (or language neutral)
- no - Bokmål
* Requests for enhancement had been reported a while ago, but were not
fixed even in Java 6 due to compatibility issues.
* 05-18 built l10n bundle (which currently is still in staging process)
uses "no" and it does make admingui localized into Bokmål.
I consulted a team within Sun implementing Java i18n and his
recommendation was GlassFish to follow JDK convention as well.