
Re: help me please ....Glassfish 3.1.2 Ejb client ACC dont work from outside the LAN .

From: Tim Quinn <tim.quinn_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2012 12:01:22 -0500

On May 18, 2012, at 9:52 AM, mauro2java2011_at_gmail.com wrote:

> I write for problem that I can not fix .
> I have tried the appclient from ACC with javawebstart.
> It work from pc into my LAN.
> But not work ouside the LAN .
> i have deployed the enterprise project int oglassfsih 3.1.2 .
> I have set also into the VM options of glassfish the properties:
> -Dcom.sun.corba.ee.ORBVAAHost=public-IP-adress
> -Dcom.sun.corba.ee.ORBVAAPort=public-port
> -Dcom.sun.corba.ee.ORBUserConfigurators.com.sun.corba.ee.impl.plugin.hwlb.VirtualAddressAgentImpl=x
> but not work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> I not have resolved any way.
> Please help me
> tank you mauro

Please tell us what "not work" means. Do you get an error display? If so, please send any error messages or stack traces you see.

Did the files download correctly?

If Java Web Start starts the client but then the client cannot seem to connect to the server to call an EJB (for example), the problem might be that the iiop-listener configuration for "orb-listener-1" in the server's domain.xml file uses the address When GlassFish launches an app client it tells the client what ORB host and port to use. If the ORB host is configured as then the server might be sending "localhost" to the Java Web Start client. This would cause the client to try to call the EJB at "localhost" which of course will not work because the client is not there.

If the ORB host is set to try changing it to be the true hostname,restart the server, and try the app client launch again. You would not have to redeploy the application.

- Tim
