
ear with ejb deployment problem

From: MailingLists <mailinglist_at_tdeo.fr>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2010 11:19:48 +0000

  Dear all of you,

I have a problem with the deployment of my ear.
I'm working on GF 3.1.b18 but the problem was exactly the same on 3.0.1.
My enterprise application have a jpa and a facade bean.
When I build and deploy the ear with netbeans 6.9.1 or with the asadmin
command everything is successful.
I created a EA client that runs correctly on local.
But when I deploy the EA with the client inside, I have the following
issue :
/./asadmin deploy --user admin
remote failure: Exception while deploying the app :
java.lang.RuntimeException: Target ejb PrimitivesBean for remote ejb
3.0 reference org.kipigo.ejb.facade.PrimitivesFacadeBean/_pbl does not
expose a remote business interface of type
Target ejb PrimitivesBean for remote ejb 3.0 reference
org.kipigo.ejb.facade.PrimitivesFacadeBean/_pbl does not expose a remote
business interface of type org.kipigo.ejb.jpa.PrimitivesBeanLocal

Échec de la commande deploy./

What I don't understand is how the simple fact of adding a client could
corrupt the ejb definition?

Is there a bug here? I can send both ear.

Best regards

Florent THOMAS