Depending on the type of data in your serialized objects you may not benefit
much from compression. You should start with reducing the amount of data
being sent across the network. Are you using transient where appropriate? An
alternative to connection compression is DTO compression (and it's a
portable solution).
Are you sure your network is the bottleneck? Make sure you've used netstat
and other tools to verify. An increased number of network clients could be
exhausting the bean pool size on the server.
I'm not aware of any IIOP compression built in to GlassFish. You could go
with an OS level solution, some type of compression tunnel. Then there is
the possibility of exposing your EJB's as web services and compressing the
HTTP traffic. SOAP adds a lot of overhead so I'd only want to try it with
RESTful endpoints (in v3) but it really depends on the size of your message
-Matthieu Chase Heimer
On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 6:07 AM, Andreas Kozma <>wrote:
> Dear All,
> we are using Glassfish 2.1 for an ERP project with standalone java rich
> clients. sending large collections of EJBs from session bean calls over the
> network is starting to become an issue.
> while we found some articles on how to create custom socket factories that
> compress streams, we have found no indication how traffic could be compress
> using the Glassfish CORBA implementation.
> Can anybody provide us with some pointers? Your help is greatly
> appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> - Andreas Kozma
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