
Re: EJB3.0 - session bean to session bean cross app server remote ref

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 12:00:37 -0400

Glad to hear that worked well for you. If you want to specify everything dynamically you should be able to use the approach outlined here :
https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/ejb/EJB_FAQ.html#nonJavaEEwebcontainerRemoteEJB (you can skip Step 3 since the GF instance
already has all the necessary code in its classpath) In this case, the target host/port are configured
as part of the InitialContext() instance itself. Then, all lookups through that context are served by the target server instance. That means
the lookup string is just the target JNDI name, without the corbaname:iiop.. prefix.

On Mar 26, 2010, at 11:34 AM, Ming Chan wrote:

> Thank you for your reply Kenneth.
> What you suggested worked great in my test project in which one ejb makes remote call to another ejb in a different GL instance.
> Now I have another follow up question, hope you don't mind.
> Is there another way to achieve the same cross ejb and cross GL instance remote call so that the remote ejb's host name and port are specified programmatically rather than statically in sun-ejb-jar.xml ?
> The reason I asked is, we can configure sun-ejb-jar.xml for it to point to a target EJB in a development environment during coding. But then after development the same project will be deployed to different environments such as UAT, Production and a few other environments in between. This would mean every time we deploy the same project to a different environment the deployer would need to rememeber to change the host name/port in the sun-ejb-jar.xml file so that they can point to the target environment that the project is being deployed into.
> Would it be possible to specify the host_name and port programmatically ? So that these information can be looked up as system properties from the GL instance in the environment that the project is being deployed into
> Hope my question makes sense and thanks again for your help.
> Regards,
> Ming
> Kenneth Saks wrote:
>> On Mar 26, 2010, at 9:50 AM, Ming Chan wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks for publishing the very detailed information here:
>>> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/ejb/EJB_FAQ.html#cross-appserverremoteref
>>> I have a follow up question.
>>> I would like to access from one stateless session bean (SLSB) to another
>>> stateless session bean (SLSB) using remote EJB interface. Both are
>>> EJB3.0 session beans running on difference instances of glassfish 2.1.
>>> Each of these session beans is running on its own glassfish instance and
>>> these two glassfish instances do not belong to a same cluster.
>>> The mentioned reference suggests we do the following:
>>> Within the servlet :
>>> @EJB(name="fooejbref")
>>> private FooRemote fooRemote;
>>> Within sun-web.xml :
>>> <ejb-ref>
>>> <ejb-ref-name>fooejbref</ejb-ref-name>
>>> <jndi-name>corbaname:iiop:host2:3700#Foo</jndi-name>
>>> </ejb-ref>
>>> How to access a remote SLSB from another SLSB (rather than from a servlet) ?
>> Hi Ming,
>> In that case, the @EJB would be placed within the SLSB bean class and the
>> ejb-ref elements would be put in a sun-ejb-jar.xml file.
>> --ken
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Ming
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