No, GlassFish does not currently support EJB jars as OSGi bundles.
Please file an enhancement request in GlassFish issue tracker under
category osgi-javaee and I can add the support. When do you want it?
John Platts wrote:
> I do know that it is possible to deploy EJB JAR OSGi Bundles to JOnAS 5.1. Is it possible to deploy EJB JAR Bundles to the Glassfish V3 EJB container? I do know that it is possible to deploy a Web Application Bundle to Glassfish V3, but I would like to know how to deploy a EJB JAR bundle that is not a Web Application Bundle to Glassfish V3.
> I know that the org.ow2.easybeans.osgi.ejbjar.Activator class is used in JOnAS 5.1 to handle EJB JAR startup and shutdown. What is the equivalent in the Glassfish V3 container? I plan on developing a library to make EJB JARs that can be deployed on both JOnAS 5.1 and Glassfish 3.
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