
Eclipse RCP client for Glassfish v2.1 using EJB3

From: Andreas Kozma <andreas.kozma_at_ansis.com>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 20:18:04 +0200

Hi Glassfish users!

We are developing a 300k line EJB3 application using JBoss AS and the
Eclipse RCP platform for our Rich client.

We would like to move our application server to Glassfish, but we have
difficulty getting our rich client to connect to the AS by following
the instructions on the glassfish: EJB FAQ.

We have the following problems/questions:

- is anybody of you using Eclipse RCP to develop your rich client? if
yes, which JARs do put into the plugin containing the server classes?
which packages do export? We were getting all sorts of strange class
cast and verify errors when trying to set the standalone client mode.

- as our RCP client needs to run on an unforeseen number of client
machines, we need to be able to set the host name in the login panel.
How do we pass it to the InitialContext? We tried
[ env.setProperty(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "iiop://localhost:3700"); ]

- is there a way to run an Eclipse or NetBeans RCP app as an
Application Client Component that can directly inject EJB3 resources?

Thank you very much for your help!

Kind regards,

- Andreas Kozma