
setting two parameters

From: Eve Pokua <gorgeous65_at_msn.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 13:06:21 +0100

Hello everyone, How do you convert this: 'select s FROM Staff s where s.id=id and s.pwd=pwd' to something like below: name = "getStafflogin",query = "SELECT s FROM Staff s where UPPER(s.staid) LIKE :param AND UPPER(s.password) LIKE :param and how do you set the parameter: staffrem= (List<Staffrem>)em.createNamedQuery("getStafflogin").setParameter("param", param.toUpperCase()).getResultList() I need to provide the setParameter with two different Strings as in the sql above. How do I do this is JQL? Your help would greatly be appreciated.
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