
Re: EJB Http invoking

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 02 Oct 2008 17:08:09 -0400

> <snip>
> Argh. That could be a problem for us. This is a pity as I've been
> pushing GF for some months now, and this could become a non-starter
> point :-/. Do you think integrating spring http-invoker would be
> feasible? I mean, is there a way to inject another implementation
> for EJB transport, for example?

Hi Baptiste,

We don't offer than plug-in point now, but it would be a good thing to
consider. It would help if you could file an Enhancement request
here : https://glassfish.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectIssues. Thanks.


> Cheers.
> --
> Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS - http://batmat.net
> Sauvez un arbre,
> Mangez un castor !