
Re: not able to run a ejb application

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 16:48:49 -0400

Hi Martin,

Few follow-up questions. How is the session bean packaged and what
version of Glassfish are you using? Unless you're specifically trying
out the new EJB 3.1 functionality on top of the V3 TP2 , you'll need
to package the session bean in its own ejb-jar. That ejb-jar can
either be packaged along with the .war into an .ear file, or deployed
as its own module.

What specific error are you getting? One thing you definitely need to
remove is the code in the servlet init method :

        public void init() throws ServletException {
                testClientSessionBean = new ClientSession();

In the EJB programming model, the caller never uses new() to
instantiate a bean reference. The session bean reference can only be
either injected or looked up.


On Sep 25, 2008, at 4:30 PM, Martin Renaud wrote:

> <Test2.zip>