
EJB Http invoking

From: Baptiste MATHUS <ml_at_batmat.net>
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 13:23:36 +0200

Hi all,

I'm looking for some pointers about how to invoke our SLSB remotely using
http (I'm not speaking about WebServices, just about RMI inside HTTP,
something like the Spring HttpInvoker). Something like
http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Accessing_EJB3s_over_HTTP_HTTPS for JBoss, but
for GF, obviously.

In fact, we've got an existing architecture that was designed without EJB
and we're now evaluating the migration from this code to EJB3 (for our
architecture, this would mainly involve annotating our already existing
services or entities).
At the moment, our services are exposed remotely in a webapp, by the spring
http-invoker servlet.

More generally, what we are looking is how to get rid of the needs for
specific ports for say JNDI, EJB remote calls, and so on to the appserver,
as we're not guaranteed our client side will have access to the server side
other than by the HTTP/S ports.
We'd like every communications between the server and the client be
tunnelled inside a http/s tube.

So my questions are quite simple :
* Is there something related to EJB architecture I should be aware of that
could render this need very annoying? Really, I'd be interested into knowing
all potential bad-side effects. At the moment, we're fully satisfied with
http-invoking, but I might have missed something that would not suit EJB
* Is there any documentation that would explain how to do that with GFv2 (or
v3) somewhere?

Thanks a lot.

Baptiste <Batmat> MATHUS - http://batmat.net
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