Your suggestions sounds good and the only way to find out if it will work,
is to put it into
practise. So I will have a go and update everybody on this.
Also, at the moment, my method for this query is stated below:
//retrieving items by description/ item code or item name
public List<Iteamdetailhlp> Despcodename(String description, String
itmname, String itmid){
List<Iteamdetailsent> iteamdetailsent=null;
if (description!=null){
}catch(Exception ex){
System.err.println("Can not get items details by Description entered.
Name entered not recogniced");
}//end of catch
else if (itmname!=null){
}catch(Exception ex){
System.err.println("Can not get items details by Description entered.
Name entered not recogniced");
}//end of catch
else if(itmid!=null){
}catch(Exception ex){
System.err.println("Can not get items details by Description entered.
Name entered not recogniced");
}//end of catch
return copyToDetails(iteamdetailsent);
}//end of Despcodename
To use your suggestion, I have to change the above method as below:
//retrieving items by description/ item code or item name
public List<Iteamdetailhlp> Despcodename(String CONCAT){
List<Iteamdetailsent> iteamdetailsent=null;
if (description!=null){
}catch(Exception ex){
System.err.println("Can not get items details by Description entered.
Description entered not recogniced");
}//end of catch
return copyToDetails(iteamdetailsent);
}//end of Despcodename
I will try and test this. I will soon update everyone on this.
>From: Wouter van Reeven <wouter_at_van.reeven.nl>
>Reply-To: persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>To: persistence_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>Subject: Re: @NamedQuery for finding details from more than 1 column
>Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 11:36:00 +0200
>A thought occured to me. It may be possible to rewrite the query to always
>after all. Your query now looks like this:
>@NamedQuery(name = "GetItemsbydescption",query = "SELECT i FROM
>Iteamdetailsent i WHERE i.description= :description OR i.itmid=:itmid OR
>The problem is that you do not always set all three parameters. If you only
>sppecify, e.g., the decription, the query translates to something like
>SELECT i FROM Iteamdetailsent i WHERE i.description="a description" OR
>i.itmid= OR i.itmname="
>which is invalid. I am not sure if this is possible, but maybe a query like
>will do the trick:
>@NamedQuery(name = "GetItemsbydescption",query = "SELECT i FROM
>Iteamdetailsent i WHERE i.description LIKE
>OR i.itmid LIKE CONCAT('%",CONCAT(:itmid,'%') OR i.itmname LIKE
>I am sure this works in "normal" SQL but I am not sure if this works in
>EQL. the
>part I am not sure about is if the named parameters are picked up
>Basically this makes sure that if no parameters are entered, a "default"
>of '%%' is used. The statement i.description LIKE '%%' always returns true
>the description column contains any data.
>I think this construction is rather ugly though.
>On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 09:58:39AM +0100, Eve Pokua wrote:
> > In the client side, I intend to only supply one textfield and a button
> > which when entry is supplied by the client, will search the database.
> > it does not find item details by itmid, it will search the next column:
> > description, if it does not, then the next column: itmname.
>So why not use a query like this:
>@NamedQuery(name = "GetItemsbydescption",query = "SELECT i FROM
>Iteamdetailsent i WHERE i.description= :item OR i.itmid=:item OR
>This will return a result if any of the three columns matches. Please note
>only EXACT matches will be returned. If you need to have a substring match
>please use LIKE instead of = (equals).
> > I think, if this don't work, I will separate all of them and use the
> > down menu.
> > So if user enters 'description', it calls the description method, and if
> > they enters itemid/code, it calls
> > the itemid method, and if by itemname, it calls the itemname method.
>HTH, Wouter
>People: "If she weighs the same as a Duck, she's made of wood!"
>Sir Bedevere: "And therefore...?"
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