Please review this user's comments regarding the EJB F.A.Q.
and reply back to them.
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Please review this user's comments regarding the EJB F.A.Q.
and reply back to them.
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The faq located at
https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/ejb/EJB_FAQ.html#POJOLocalEJB was
Please provide links to fully functional examples for each question
answered. The syntax provided isn't even correct:
If the POJO is called from a web application, the java:comp/env namespace is
shared by the entire .war. So, the local EJB dependency can be defined by
using an @EJB annotation on any managed class within the .war.
@EJB(name="fooejbref", beanInterface=FooLocal.class)
public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { ...
Excuse me? @EJB, as far as any documentation I've seen, is meant to apply
to a variable defined in the HttpServlet subclass for DI, not to the servlet
class definition. And, what is meant by "any managed class"?
This kind of documentation is very frustrating. I've been working for the
last hour trying to get a reference to a @Local @Stateless bean from a POJO
in a war, and I've had absolutely no luck. I haven't tried to use an xml
descriptor to bind the bean, because, well, that's what annotations are for
in the first place.
Please, review this FAQ, get it updated and stocked with links to example
projects, or at least with functional fragments of code.
-jjk �