
Re: Sun Webserver can't bind to EJB on Sun App Server?

From: Eve Pokua <gorgeous65_at_msn.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:54:42 +0100


If I understand what you are trying to do. I am also using Sun Application
server 9. And in my
implementation bean class, I have the following codes:

        InitialContext ctx=new InitialContext();

Iteamdetails iteamdetails=(Iteamdetails)ctx.lookup("IteamdetailsBeanJNDI");

iteamdetailhlp=iteamdetails.DescriptItem("red table");

//then codes to display data

}catch(Exception ex){
                        System.err.println("Can not access DB");

'Iteamdetails' being my interface and 'iteamdetailhlp' being a helper class
for my entity class and
I am using the following codes to mapped the JNDI to my implementation class
as followings:

@Stateful(name="itemdetails", mappedName="IteamdetailsBeanJNDI")

public class IteamdetailsBean implements Iteamdetails{


I am also using


        EntityManager em;

The PersistenceContext with the STOCKDETAILS-ejbPU persistence unit.

Question, did you set up the connection to the database from the admin
console under JDBC connection pool?

And after pinging successfully, did you also set up the ejb reference

After all these, it is easy to set up a Persistence Unit by retrieving it
from you Application server.

So in my clients I tell the context lookup to access the appropriate
which then access the Perssitence unit.

Your code is a little be too complicated and I am not sure why it is.

The above codes are very simple and if you go through the Jee5 tutorial, you
will understand it a little more.

Does this help?

>From: "Mahesh.Kannan" <Mahesh.Kannan_at_Sun.COM>
>Reply-To: ejb_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>To: ejb_at_glassfish.dev.java.net
>Subject: Re: Sun Webserver can't bind to EJB on Sun App Server?
>Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 13:57:15 -0700
>Orest Guran wrote:

>>I seem to be having a problem accessing EJB's (EJB3.0) from a servlet
>>running on a remote Sun Java Systems Webserver (6.1). I am using the Sun
>>App Server (sun-appserver-pe9.0). Although the webserver connects to the
>>JNDI service on the Sun App Server, if fails to bind to the ejb. I
>>followed the directions from the EJB FAQ as shown on
>>I tried the same code running as a standalone class and had no problems
>>accessing the bean. For kicks, I deployed the same EJB on a JBOSS App
>>Server (4.0.5) and was able to bind to the EJB without any problems using
>>the same servlet running on the remote Sun Java Systems Webserver!
>>It appears to be some kind of interaction between the Sun App Server/Sun
>>Webserver and the JNDI lookup. The only difference between the servlet
>>code used to access the bean on the Sun App Server and the JBOSS Appserver
>>is in the properties settings used to instantiate the InitialContext
>>object in the servlet:
>>SunAppServer Props:
>> props.put("java.naming.provider.url", "iiop://localhost:3700");
>> props.put("java.naming.factory.initial",
>Did you also have the following:
> props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.state",
>>JBOSS Props:
>> props.put("java.naming.factory.initial",
>> props.put("java.naming.provider.url", "jnp://localhost:1099");
>> props.put("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs","org.jboss.naming.client");
>>Also, I had to use a different lookup string. The JBOSS App Server found
>>the bean using the following naming format (
>>ic.lookup("CalculateBean/remote") ). The standalone class was only able to
>>access the bean running on the Sun App Server using the fully qualified
>>Remote Interface path ( ic.lookup("entapp1.ejb.CalculateRemote") ).
>>Any ideas what I may be doing wrong when I try to access a bean running on
>>the Sun App Server from the Sun Web Server? Any help you can give would be
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