Ken Cavanaugh:
Issue solved. Thank you very much for pointing this out.
Changing to an ArrayList from a LinkedList was the solution.
I appreciate you helping me with this issue and teaching me something
new as well.
From: Ken.Cavanaugh_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Ken.Cavanaugh_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 1:31 PM
To: Todd Patrick
Cc: ejb
Subject: RE: RE: Re: Returning a List from a Stateless EJB
On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 13:06 -0600, Todd Patrick wrote:
It is a Linked List.
I am running the following:
Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0_01
(build b14)
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)
JSF 1.2_03
Below is the method that builds the Linked List.
Thank you for your time to look at this.
Is it an issue to be using a Linked List?
Yes. The problem is that the fast reflective object copier needs to
traverse the entire
object graph in order to copy it, and this is necessarily recursive
(obviously I could
simulate the recursion, but it's easier just to recurse in the copier).
I think changing
from LinkedList to ArrayList will probably fix this problem, and is most
likely more
efficient as well. An ArrayList just allocates (and re-allocates) a
backing array as needed,
while the LinkedList is allocating lots of LinkedList.Entry nodes for
the next and prev
pointers. An ArrayList is usually a better choice. It is also helpful
if you have some
idea of the size of the results to pass the size in the ArrayList
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