Hi all.
Although annotations hugely simplify the ejb codification, for project
specific needs, in some cases our ejbs are also being defined in
ejb-jar. For messagedriven beans we noticed two points that don't seem
to be working proper.
1) As soon as you have the @MessageDriven class-level annotation, seems
that it ignores the entry in the deployment descriptor (which is wrong
according to the EJB 3.0 specs). If I remove it, everything works fine.
2) So, to solve that we defined those beans only in ejb-jar instead of
using the class-level annotations (@MessageDriven or @Stateless). When
we do that we noticed that for those ejbs, we cannot add JavaEE
annotations for dependencies (e.g. @EJB or @Resource). Seems that GF
doesn't parse any annotations unless there is a class-level annotation.
Should these two items be happening this way? Follows example:
What I'm doing is that I have a single mdb class that I want to listen
to several queues. I initially tried like this:
public MyConsumer {
ProcessorBean processor ;
However it only worked when I did like this:
public MyConsumer {
MyProcessor processor ;
Christianne Carvalho
mHave Software, Ltda.