The spec should have been clearer. I *think* the spec always *wanted* to
say that it is sufficient for a portable MDB to implement only the
methods of the "message listener interface", but somehow the current
wordings didn't match with the intention. I say this because of two reasons:
1) Session bean class no longer has to implement the interface as long
as it implements the equivalent methods. So, I can't imagine why the
experts would have opted for a different rule for MDB.
2) In section #5.6.3 of the EJB3 core spec, it says "MDB must implement
the methods ...". This statement is not necessary if MDB is required to
implement the listener interface.
Antonio Goncalves wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a couple of MDBs that implement MessageListener like that and
> work fine :
> @MessageDriven(mappedName = "jms/topic/order")
> public class OrderPrinterBean implements MessageListener {
> }
> I was reading a blog
> <> about MDBs and I
> stoped on the following sentence "If you look carefully the MDB does
> not implement the javax.jms.MessageListener interface because I'm
> using the MDB to listen to a JMS provider". I wanted to have a try so
> I got rid of the MessageListener interface and my MDBs still worked. I
> looked at the spec but it's not really clear :
> "*5.4.2 The Required Message Listener Interface
> *The message-driven bean class must implement the appropriate message
> listener interface for the messaging type that the message-driven bean
> supports or specify the message listener interface using the
> MessageDriven metadata annotation (...).
> The message-driven bean class's implementation of the
> javax.jms.MessageListener
> interface distinguishes the message-driven bean as a JMS
> message-driven bean.
> The bean's message listener method (e.g., onMessage in the case of
> javax.jms.MessageListener)
> is called by the container when a message has arrived for the bean to
> service. (...)
> If the message-driven bean class implements more than one interface
> other than,
>, or any of the interfaces defined by the
> javax.ejb package,
> the message listener interface must be specified by the
> messageListenerInterface element
> of the MessageDriven annotation or the messaging-type element of the
> message-driven
> deployment descriptor element."
> Could anybody explain why GlassFish still invokes my MDBs even if they
> don't implement any interface ?
> Thanks,
> Antonio
> PS : Happy new year