> Thanks for the help.
> Another question, I found in the glassfish project is pakcage name of
> CORBA part is "com.sun.corba.ee....",
> however, in the glassfish-corba project the package name is
> "com.sun.corba.se...".
> I'm wondering if there're any difference between them, or just the
> change of package name?
We deliver CORBA into both the JDK and GlassFish, but the versions are
different due to the
long lead times for the JDK (the current glassfish-corba ORB will
eventually end up in JDK 7).
In order to avoid confusion and lots of
-Xbootclasspath arguments, we automatically rename the ORB at build time
for use in
GlassFish. All of the files are packaged in com.sun.corba.se in all
CORBA workspaces,
but as an optional step (make -f Makefile.corba rename in the make
directory), all of
the files (and their contents) can be renamed to com.sun.corba.ee. This
makes a copy of everything in the workspace under the
<ws>/build/rename/ee directory.
By the way, this is the only use for the CORBA makefiles that we support
at present:
everything else is done with ant.