
Re: overloaded business methods and their transaction attribute

From: Mahesh.Kannan <Mahesh.Kannan_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 19:17:00 -0700

Hi Cheng,
     I couldn't reproduce this problem. The xml does indeed look like
yours but the foo method thorws the correct TxRequired(Local)Exception.

Cheng Fang wrote:

> In the following bean superclass, my intention is that foo() has
> transaction attribute Mandatory, and foo(String) and foo(String,
> String) has the default Required. There is no ejb-jar.xml. The
> actual bean class doesn't override any business methods.
> abstract public class TxBeanBase implements TxRemoteIF, TxLocalIF {
> @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.MANDATORY)
> public String foo() {
> return "foo";
> }
> public String foo(String s) {
> return s;
> }
> public String foo(String s, String ss) {
> return s + ss;
> }
> After deployment, the generated ejb-jar.xml contains the following:
> <container-transaction>
> <method>
> <ejb-name>EBean</ejb-name>
> <method-intf>Remote</method-intf>
> <method-name>foo</method-name>
> </method>
> <trans-attribute>Mandatory</trans-attribute>
> </container-transaction>
> According to ejb3 spec, the above will apply to all
> overloaded business methods named foo. Now all 3 foo methods have
> Mandatory. <method-params> is not used anywhere in the generated
> ejb-jar.xml. It appears this generated ejb-jar.xml is incorrect. An
> empty <method-params/> element needs to be there to distinguish foo()
> from foo(*).
> Let's just accept the generated ejb-jar.xml. We would expect all foo
> methods have transaction attribute Mandatory. When I invoke
> foo(String) and foo(String, String) without any transaction context,
> there is no exception. It seems the two methods are still executed
> with transaction attribute Required. So something in transaction
> attribute enforcement is incorrect.
> This is similar to the issue regarding @Interceptors on overloaded
> business methods (issue <BT6437374>). Could someone verify?