> Dear All
> Re: https://glassfish.dev.java.net/javaee5/ejb/examples/Sless.html
> In the following passage on the page cited above, I think both
> references to "ejb30.Stateless" should read "ejb30.Sless":
> There is no need to define any SUN App Server-specific deployment
> descrpitors (e.g. sun-ejb-jar.xml, sun-application-client.xml) for
> this example. The JNDI name for the Remote Stateless Session bean
> will default to the class name of its Remote business interface :
> ejb30.Stateless. The Application Client's Remote @EJB dependency
> will be resolved to the same value since its business interface type
> is also ejb30.Stateless.
> Is that right?
Hi Graham,
Absolutely. The interface name is ejb30.Sless. The same error appeared
on the Sful example page. I updated both of them. Thanks for pointing
this out.
> Graham Robbins
> graham_at_bawtry.net