I have this example:
If I package AssemblyInterceptor.class and ejb client view classes and
utility classes in EAR/lib/shared.jar, this interceptor is not invoked.
There is no error anywhere. EAR/lib is the default library-directory for
the app.
If I also duplicate AssemblyInterceptor.class in ejb-jar, interceptor is
invoked as expected.
In any case, the generated full ejb-jar.xml does contain this interceptor
and interceptor binding.
Any idea what's wrong here?
//already declared in ejb-jar.xml. Annotations not needed
public class AssemblyBean extends AssemblyBeanBase
implements AssemblyRemoteIF, AssemblyLocalIF, AssemblyCommonIF
public AssemblyBean() {
ejb-jar.xml: (metadata-complete=false)
public class AssemblyInterceptor {
public AssemblyInterceptor() {
protected void myCreate(InvocationContext inv) throws RuntimeException
protected void myRemove(InvocationContext inv) throws RuntimeException
protected Object intercept(InvocationContext inv) throws Exception {
-- Cheng